Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Whole Word for the Whole World

Fewer than 10% of the world's languages have the Old Testament, says this article from Christianity Today. Doming Lucasi, a native Balangao translator from the rice-terraced slopes of the northern Philippines, has just launched an Old Testament translation project and says that Having the New Testament without the Old is like having a sword without the handle.

Of the 2,400 language groups with portions of the Bible, roughly 1,115 have the New Testament. Only 426 have a complete Bible.

About a year ago, Ron, one of my fellow elders serving
Bathurst Evangelical Church brought a plan for reading through the New Testament back from a weekend trip to the Blue Mountains. A few of us used the plan to read through the New Testament in 91 days. After completing the project, this inspired me to tackle the Old Testament, which I completed in May, and am now working through the whole bible.

I've read about 65%, and hope to finish this latest read-through some time in November. I think every Christian would benefit greatly from doing this, no matter how long it takes to get finished. I like reading in large chunks, because it helps to give an overview of the whole book you are engaged in.


mishael said...

Hi. I'm Doming Lucasi's son Leo. My dad had just passed away last January and i was googling his name to see what would come up. I was surprised to see his name on that article from Christianity Today...anyway, how are you with the old testament reading? my dad always challenged us to read the whole Bible and I never got to finish it. Hopefully this time I will. Blessings!
btw, you can check out our family blog too at :)

David McKay said...

Hi Leo.
It is great to hear from you.

Your father's words were very inspiring and reminded me of the importance of the Old Testament.

I read through the New Testament in September through December, 2005 and completed the Old Testament in May, 06. I then read through the whole bible in the ESV Reformation Study Bible, and am now reading through the NIV Archaeological Study Bible and am about three quarters finished.

But since going back to work, I've slowed down. [In my job of piano teaching, I have long unpaid holidays.]

Thank you very much for your comments. I'll check out your family website.